
Thoughts longer than a social media post, shorter than a manuscript on data, pedagogy, and data pedagogy

My name is Mine Dogucu and I teach statistics and data science. I spend a good chunk of my time thinking about how to be a better data scientist, teacher, and human. Most of the time I cannot fit my thoughts into a single post on my social media accounts. Sometimes I want to share examples from my class and sometimes I want to share something that has been useful for me as a teacher, a learner, or simply as a person. Thus, I created this blog to share what is going on in my mind and in my classes.

If you would like to be informed about new posts on this blog make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed using the RSS icon in the navigation bar or if you’d like to be manually informed about posts via email, please fill out this form.

This blog will shape as I keep writing and the goal is also to have guest authors as well.


The blog posts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Note that the work cited or mentioned within blog posts might have their own licenses separately.

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